Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Perfect Day Off

I always look forward to Fridays because that is Mike's day off, and we get to spend time with one another. Unfortunatly I have had to work the past few Fridays, so we haven't had a day to just hang out with one another in a while. So FINALLY this past Friday we both had a day off. We slept in (and those who know me know that this is VERY important to me) until 10:30, and we had breakfast and paid bills. We decided we would go to lunch and a movie (Flightplan with Jodi Foster). But after lunch, we decided that it was too beautiful of a day to sit in a theatre, so we went putt-putt golfing. We had SO much fun that we didn't want it to end, so we decided to play 9 holes at their golf course. Those who know me know that I do not play golf well. Mike's taken me to the driving range a couple of times, and I drove the cart once when Mike and Kurt played- but other than that, I STINK. And Mike was so patient with me when I had to take 4 or 5 swings before I even made contact with the ball, and eventually, after many many swings I would finally get the ball in the hole. Then it happened. There we were-on the 3rd hole, and I'm a little nervous because there is a huge pond between the tee deck and the green. Mike gives me a few pointers, and then stepped back to watch. I took a deep breath, said a prayer, and then swung. Right before my club hit the ball, the Heavens opened and angles started to chant, "Rachel, Rachel!". Finally, as if my swing was in slow motion, my club makes perfect contact with the ball, and it floats through the air, and the angels give a sigh. My ball lands straight on the green and sticks-about a yard from the whole. Mike stands in total shock, and I jump up and down making a spectical of myself! IT WAS AMAZING! I was ready to go home then-because life was complete. Of course I STANK for the rest of the time, and settled for just driving the cart for the last couple holes-but for just one moment.....I was great.

So once that was over, Mike and I did a little shopping, and then grabbed a couple milkshakes and headed home. We weren't even home for 15 minutes when our friends called and said that they had tickets to the Pirates game, and wanted us to go. So we put on warm clothes, grabbed a blanket, and headed to the city with our friends. And as a sat next to my husband and friends on the 3rd base line, 50 feet from the field, with a hot dog in my hand, I thought- this is what evey Friday should be like....


Then Saturday came....
Back to reality- and back to work- and in a foul mood that I missed my college Homecoming. Oh well- all good things must come to end, I guess.


becca said...

i am glad that you had the perfect day! you and mike totally deserve it. we missed you on saturday at homecoming! i won't tell you about how much fun i had with christy, that would just be too mean...

Rachel said...

Did you check your quiz, Bec? I totally got them all right.

becca said...

thanks for taking the quiz, as soon as jaime and hopefully mom take it i will post the answers! good luck, but everyone is doing pretty well

Anonymous said...

sweet, I got a shout out. I'm sure many wonder who this Kurt guy is, you'll have to describe, ha.