Monday, October 10, 2005

Update from the Mother Ship(man)...get it mother ship- shipman...haha

So maybe someone can clear this up for me.....

Where I work, I don't get any breaks. The only thing I'm allowed to do is leave for 5 minutes at a time to either run to the food court to get lunch, or run to the bathroom. But other than that, I can't leave the studio. And if it's really busy (and most of the time it is), I don't even get that. I worked all last week, and there were 2 days where I didn't get a bite to eat or a bathroom run for 8 hours. Is this illegal? I know that in NY it is, but are break regulations different in PA?

I have the rest of the week off, so I'm excited to just relax, and enjoy the fall weather. I was just talking to my mom, and I was telling her that this time of year- with the leaves changing, and the smell in the air brings me back to my wedding day. It so wierd how smells can bring back so many memories. Tomorrow is officially our 2nd wedding anniversary, and Mike and I will enjoy a nice, romantic evening. Two weekends from now (when Mike has time to take off), we will go someplace special for the night, and then we're going to a U2 concert! Mike is so pumped!

This coming weekend I'm heading up to my parents house for the weekend. My brother is playing his last home game, so it's senior night, and all the Freer sisters are going to make a big ruckis, and make my brother totally embarassed- it's gonna be awesome! Can't wait to see everyone!!!!

1 comment:

becca said...

josh doesn't know what he is in for. i have this strange feeling that he won't even acknowledge that we are there... who wouldn't want people to know that we are related!!! geesh. someday he will realize just how lucky he is that we are his sisters.