Monday, October 03, 2005

Shout Out to the West Coast

This goes out to my favorite doctor on the west coast- Dr. Kurt Perkins, who I met my freshman year in college. I had a teeny tiny crush on the guy for oh.....a year, and then he gave me the "I'm so glad we're just friends" talk, and we managed to stay close after I picked up the pieces of my heart. :-)

I was SOOO excited when Kurt did his internship for Chiropractic school in Buffalo where Mike and I were living, and for a year he helped out with the youth at East Aurora, and became a very close friend of Mike's. Now I think that Kurt likes Mike more than me...sniff sniff.... but i love that they are close.

I seriously consider Kurt a brother cuz he's been there for me through all the crap, and all of the exciting times. We annoy each other like brother & sister, and he DOES NOT let me get away with any whining-which Mike caught on to, so now I can only whine to my sisters and my mom.

Then Kurt had to grow up on me and move away to sunny California. Mike and I both miss him tons! Hopefully things are going well for ya, Kurt- missing you!


Anonymous said...
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becca said...

kurtle! we miss you so much back here in New York. I am hoping that you come back to visit soon (hint hint) i will be out that way in november, maybe if i am lucky enough i can see you! hope all is well. love you

Anonymous said...

It is so much fun to read your comments on how things are going and your daily happenings. Sounds like you and Mike had a full day on Friday!? Look so forward to 2 weekends away and having all you girls home and celebrate! Played Portville last night and tied them. Take you - Mom

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout. Sunny California will soon turn to sunny Colorado.


becca said...

WHAT!!!!!!! when are you moving!! man i wish that you would WRITE me every once and a while. geesh...