Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rachel Ann Photography | Peter and Emily

I met Peter and Emily last fall when I took family pictures for them.  They have two ADORABLE little kids, and we had a blast during the photoshoot.  So I was super super excited when she asked to do a session with her and Peter.  We went to High Falls on St. Patricks Day and spent part of my afternoon in the beautiful weather with a beautiful couple.  
I asked them to bring a wedding picture with them (they have been married 6 years, right Emily!?) to remember where their journey as a couple started.  

They were so so much fun.  Peter cracks me up, and Emily is just a darling.  Hoping that I see more of these two!!!


Emily said...

Thank you so much for doing this for us!! I love what you do! You are one talented lady!! I can't wait to see the rest and then frame some!

Ashley said...

These pictures (ESPECIALLY the wedding picture one) made me cry! You are so talented Rach, and Em and Peter are the best. I love when my good friends become friends! :)