Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Maternity Photojournalism | Rochester, NY

There were so so many things that I took away from WPPI, but the biggest vision I came back with was to have my portraits, not just my weddings, tell a story.  To have more photojournalistic images come out of what is usually more formal.

So when Amy mentioned that she should probably get some pictures taken of Baby K's pregnancy (since we got so many of Grace's belly days) I jumped at the opportunity to try out this new style.

And it was awesome.

I came over for our weekly lunch with my camera (and Makaela) in tow.  I had some ideas of how I wanted the shoot to go, and both Amy and Grace were amazing.  (PS, really wish you could have been there, John).

The "reading to Gracie" series of images is probably some of my favorite pictures I've taken. Ever.
It's something both girls love to do, and to watch them doing it together is priceless in every sense of the word.
It's not that they are compositionally out of this world- I had to edit the white balance, take out some image noise, blah blah, photographer jargon, blah.   But they speak to Amy.  They show their relationship.  And that, my friends, is what I want my bread and butter to be.
i melt. 
Where was Makaela in all of this?  Oh ya know...
walking around like she owned the place.

She had no problem infiltrating story time, and Auntie Amy was more than willing to let her in on the fun.  They're birthday buddies.  It's all good. 

As I was taking photos, I was also asking questions.  I wanted Amy to be able to tell her story to you all in her own words, and not just through pictures. Because so much more goes into preparing for motherhood 2.0 than making sure memories are captured. I asked her all about the similarities and differences between her two pregnancies.  What she loved, what she didn't love.  Her biggest challenges.  What she looked forward to as a mother of two.

So in Amy's Words:

How tired I am.  You realize how good you have it the first time around when you can get rest and sleep more.  And she means it.  She has been known to go to bed at 7:45, beat from 12 hour work days, (Amy is a pediatric nurse), chasing an active toddler, and being a pastors wife.  She is quite lucky to have a husband who takes care of her and Gracie very well, who helps out whenever and wherever he can.  He even came home early on the day of the shoot with flowers in hand.  Awwwwwwwwwwww.

I'm all baby yet again, and everyone who sees me is convinced that I am carrying a boy.
And she in fact is ALL BABY.  Just like she was with Grace.
*sorry about the grainy look- I snagged it off of her fb :-)

Notice the verse change- they dedicate a verse to each child, and Grace's went with her to her new big girl room, and Baby K will be taking up residence in the nursery.

We all anxiously wait to see if what the masses are saying is right.  Boy? Those Kellers like to keep us in eager anticipation, for we don't know the sex or name of this baby.  And they love doing it that way.

With Grace, it was such a motivator during labor.  You want to know so badly, and that helps you get through so much.  Sure, there are some days where it would be fun to know.  Sometimes I wish I were able to connect Grace more to her sibling- let her call Baby K "sister" or "brother".  But waiting is the ultimate surprise.

Watching my children meet each other.  We plan on Gracie coming to the hospital soon after the baby is born.  Oh this moment will be awesome.  I really really really hope to be there for that (hint hint) because for me, that was the most electrifying and emotional moment of my life.  And I know it will be for you guys as well.

Having to share your time.  When I am with the baby, I will miss moments with Grace, and vice versa.  I remember the times during Grace's first months where I could sit and stare at her face- take it all in. Will I have time to do that with Baby K?

For example, the other night Grace was talking to her dad and she said that mommy couldn't rock her before bed anymore, but she lays with me in bed.  I can't carry her up the stairs anymore, so she holds my hand instead.  I try not to let pregnancy get in the way of life with Grace
Gracie had to go down for her nap, so I took an opportunity to take some artistic and fun shots of Miss. Preggers.
 We got out her Belly Books- one for each child.  I envy her journaling skills.  I don't even think I have a baby book for Makaela....

Then we put the books away and got a few of just Amy, for her to remember this pregnancy.  And I hope you know that you are the prettiest pregnant lady ever!!

 And who could forget Mully.  Oh, people, we worked hard for this picture.  Treats, bribes, and at one point in the process, Amy downright tackled him to the ground.  Highly entertaining.   

It was a wonderful afternoon, and I am so so pleased with how the session went.  I just may stick with this style for a bit.  I really enjoyed it.

Thank you Amy, or letting me invade your home for an afternoon, and for telling us your story.

And if you are a mom, please feel free to leave some encouraging words for Amy in the comments section, and I hope to be showing you pictures of Baby K very very soon.


Amy said...

I think what I love most about the pictures, especially the reading ones, is that you really captured me and Gracie. I don't have very many pictures of me and Grace, just doing life together. And especially since our time just the two of us is quickly ending I really treasure these.

And when you put those two pictures side by side I guess I really am carrying lower huh?

I would be honored to have you in the room taking pictures when my children meet for the first time.

Thank you for these amazing images.

Kate G said...

My sweet Amy has been one of those people I have gotten to see through so many stages of her life- as a fifth grade kid, early teens, vague communication through later teens and college, seeing her walk down the aisle to John arm in arm with her amazing dad (love you Coach Faro!), and through the gift of fb, her first pregnancy, Beckett, Gracie's babyhood into toddler, and now. I am honored she has kept me in her life- and she is to me, always one of 'my kids'. I'm thrilled for her and amazed by her. And her smile and bright eyes are just beautiful. These pictures are awesome! :)

Unknown said...

oh my gosh! so beautiful...the pictures and words alike!! Amy you seem like such a gracious and graceful mom!! :)

ummmmm Rachel, can i hire you to document baby strub?! you are talented lady! :)

Haysha said...

That was amazing to read and I enjoyed the pictures. You are truly talented. It is always a pleasure to see all beautiful pictures. I would love for you to do that for my family. Thanks for always sharing.

Emily said...

These are beautiful. I love the "candid" ones.

Ashley said...

Beautiful Rach!