Sunday, February 06, 2011

You've got a friend

They are my sanity. My lifelines. They know more about my fears and my marriage than most people. They talk me off my ledge when all I want to do is jump. They celebrate with me, they laugh with (and sometimes at) me, and I just adore each one of them. They are my girls.
Girls Night-3004
(yes this is an old pic, but it's the only one I have of all 4 of them!)

We began having girls night about a year ago- just dinner and coffee, and TONS of talking. And we've made it not only a regular occurrence, but a necessary event that each one of us crave. We will all admit that we don't do it enough (kids, work, and life, and moving- grr, Ash- make it hard to all have the same night free), but when we do, it's BREATH.

We were able to get together for lunch the other week (tho we were down one since her little boy got sick), and as always, it was so nice to let our guards down and to express our challenges and our accomplishments. We ate home made mac and cheese while all our kids played together. I hope they all grow up to be as close as their mommies are.

Lunch date-8051

Lunch date-8052

Carrie was on vacation when Makaela was born, so this was her first time meeting her!
Lunch date-8053

Introducing Makaela and Trey :-)
Lunch date-8055

Gracie always giving me those sweet smiles. She is such a ham.
Lunch date-8066

Love these girls.


Amy said...

One of my favorite pictures is the picture of all of us the night Grace was born, or the one where all of us are in it from Girls Night.

Where would we be without each other?

Love you, mean it.

Ashley said...

Love you Rach, and ALL of our girls. My heart just aches being so far away from you all. That night was seriously one of the most amazing of my life, SERIOUSLY where would we be without each other?! Next time my kids MUST stay healthy!!!

becca said...

rach. how lucky am i that were are not just sisters, but best friends?!?! the 5 of us may not be in the same room as often as we would like, but when we are we seem to fit years of memories and conversations into just a few hours.

i love you rach, amy, ashley and carrie. thanks for being the best of the best.