Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Our one day off. We always take full advantage of our family days- even more so now that Makaela is here. Us girls let Mike sleep in a little while we get the coffee started, and let Harmony eat her breakfast while watching a TV show. Once Mike rolls out of bed (usually about 30 minutes after we get up), he starts a fire and we drink our coffee and catch up on our week. And now added to our morning routine is a suggle fest with our sweet girl.

Daddy is a baby hog, i might add.

Not to be left out, Harmony needs Makaela snuggle time too. :-)

Once the coffee is gone, we rummage up some yummy breakfast, and this past Friday, we feasted on pancakes made by Mike and Harmony. It's her most favorite thing to do ever- she pulls up her stool and gets to work. She is finally at the age where its becoming fun (ie, I don't have a mess all over my counter and floor after I let her stir the batter).




Our finished product


I love this picture because it depicts all what we did that morning- we have the pancakes and syrup, plus the ipad where Harmony and Mike played games and read interactive kids books, and two pairs of sunglasses, because Mike and Harmony claimed it was so sunny that they had to wear them. So I scrounged up two pairs of my sunglasses, and giggled while my manly husband strutted around in them. I should have gotten a picture.

I wish I could tell you that we spent the day all snuggled up in front of the fire, but we didn't. I wish I could tell you we went somewhere fun and exciting together, but that wasn't the case either. Instead we cleaned up the kitchen, threw on clothes, and carted our girls to the mall. I hate the mall. But Mike was in desperate need of new clothes, so we went. It was a bit hectic with the girls- correction- it was a bit hectic with HARMONY (Makaela slept the whole time). By the time we left the mall she was in full blown melt down mode. Fun. We learned our lesson: Don't go to the mall before nap. The end.

Not every Friday is drama-free, but we look forward to it nonetheless. It is OUR day. We cherish it, and we protect it. Family days rock.


Aimee said...

Glad you can share a day together! We'd love to see you guys sometime soon, too. :) Love you and your beautiful family!

Beth said...

I like Harmony's giraffe tattoo. :)

Rachel said...

Bethany put it on her! The thing refuses to come off! but she is so proud of it!