Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sick Days

A couple months ago, while I was still preggers with Makaela, I remember secretly dreading winter, and all that it brings. Cold. Snow. Short days. Cabin Fever. But mostly, I dread cold and flu season. I know that it's inevitable, especially when Harmony goes to day care, and is in a class of 15 (give or take) three-year-olds at church on Sundays. And I knew that it would be even harder when there were two. I thought I had prepared myself for it.

But I didn't prepare myself enough.

Not at all.

It hit our home on Valentines Day. Harmony all of a sudden darted from the dinner table to throw up. The next day, a cough started. And by the end of the week, her fever spiked. High. It was over 103, and it freaked me out. And through it all, Makaela became heavily congested, and wasn't sleeping well at all. I also feared that she would catch whatever was causing Harmony's fever.

Oh, and did I mention I had the flu? Icing on the cake, people. Icing on the nastiest, ugliest, grossest cake you ever saw.

So you can imagine my panic on Tuesday when Harmony's fever was STILL high, Makaela still wasn't sleeping for more than 30 minutes at a time (during the day- at night she was still doing very well- thank goodness, since Harmony was up every hour), and COMPANY WAS COMING. Mike's sister was coming to visit with a friend of hers, and also his mother was coming for the weekend. And my house was TRASHED. It was almost comical. ALMOST. This is what it looked like:

My table was caked in food.
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My kitchen had dishes everywhere.
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My living room had clutter everywhere.
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And oh, my closet. Laundry piled high.
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My bathroom had bath toys, damp towels, and my toiletries everywhere. (and yes, those are my winter boots in there. Don't ask)
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God was feeling sorry for me, so he cut me a break. I put Makaela down for her mid-morning nap, and I put a movie on for my sick little girl and hoped for the best (just look at her- so miserable. She has a terrible cold sore, hence the bandaid on her face).
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I got to work. And two hours later, I finally had a clean home. Harmony watched the entire movie and Makaela slept the whole time. And I was a cleaning maniac. It was almost therapeutic- to rid my house of germs, to make progress on SOMETHING. To get my mind off of worrying about the girls.

And it felt good. Clutter makes me stressed. Even watching house demos/renovations on TV makes me anxious. So to see my house that messy, and to not have time to do anything about it made the whole thing even more difficult. But the girls came and always will come first. We aren't out of the woods yet. We're pretty sure H now has an ear infection, and M is still having a hard time breathing. I still hate cold and flu season, and how awful it makes my girls feel. But my house is clean, and that's a start.

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Krysten said...

ok i shall never admit that my house looks like that on NORMAL days! eek! that was hardly bad ;) glad everyone is back to feeling good again! winter sickness stinks!

Carrie said...

that picture of Harmony is SO pitiful. Spring shall be here soon. Love you!

Amy said...

Love that you took time to document the disaster in pictures before getting to work :)