Thursday, June 18, 2009

This and That

I couldn't resist posting some new pictures of my cutie for all to see. My sweet, smiley cutie...

I was so excited to find some new hair bands for Harmony from this blog, who buys these for her little girl, and I just had to get them for Harmony. I love them because the flower can come off so you put a different color flower on the band. I bought four of them, and I am LOVING all the combinations I can use for her many outfits. And I got them all for under $30! And of course.... i took pictures.

Don't mind Harmony's wild hair- I can't control it. Hence the need for hair bands.

Enough about hair accessories...

I haven't updated you all about Harmony's health "stuff" in a while, so I thought I'd give you skinny (get it- skinny) on the latest.

The last time we went to the doc (about 5 weeks ago), Harmony gained a good amount of weight, which brought her back up to where she should be on her growth curve. But they gave me little time to celebrate because she was concerned about her head circumference. I guess her head hasn't grown in a while, so we began to talk more about harmony's development, which is more than fine. She's as smart as a whip, and learns more everyday. So once we explained that to her, she began to feel like it was an error on their end, that they may have written the wrong measurement, or something along those lines. SOOOO we have to go back next week for ANOTHER weight check, and also to check her head. If it's grown, case closed. If not, then we go see an endocrinologist. Blah. I have tremendous faith that it's fine, and that we won't have to entertain the thought any further. But still... I felt like we made "progress" (tho I think Harmony is just destined to be little, and that's that) with her weight, and that joy was completely ripped from me. But I know more than anything that my doctor is on our side, and that she too, wants to see Harmony grow healthy and strong. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tho Harmony is gaining (and according to our scale at home, she has cracked the 20 pound mark! Yippee!), she can still be a pistol when it comes to eating. I still, at times need to let her watch Monsters Inc. on TV while she eats, so she will sit long enough for her to eat a full meal.

Yesterday was one of those days, and Harmony just wasn't having it. My best friend, Jaime was here, and kept telling me that Harmony was too tired to eat. I was persistent because it was 11:00, and i didn't want her to go down for her nap without having lunch. So Jaime took pictures as evidence that she was indeed, just too tired.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

She rests her case... get it... rests. :-)

Bec came over, and we all hung out till Harmony woke up. And since Becca was a bad aunt, and decided to leave Harmony for a whole week to gallivant around Jamaica doing Lord knows what (yes, my jealousy is rearing it's ugly head), Harmony wanted to cuddle...


What else has Harmony been up to...

She talks ALL. THE. TIME. most of the time we don't know what the heck she is saying, but to her she is telling us very exciting stories. Words that we do understand? She says:

Night Night
Uh Oh
Ba Ba (for bottle)
Pa Pa (for Grandpa)
Aunt Becca
Na-na (for banana)
Ready. Set. Go!
Thank you

And I'm sure I'm missing more, but I just can't think of them. For the most part she says "Daddy"- whenever she sees something exciting, or wants our attention, that's what she yells. And of course, Mike LOVES it. :-)

She climbs on EVERTHING- she is living up to her nickname (monkey). furniture, shelves, our bed, stairs... if there is a way to climb it, she figure it out. So far, no serious injuries. Knock on wood.

She is sleeping a lot better these days. She went two weeks with not waking up at all in the night, but after we came back from a trip to Lancaster, it stopped. Now she is up every couple nights wanting a bottle, but goes straight back to sleep. I don't mind it too bad on the nights she does wake up, because she tends to sleep in longer. So either way, I get my eight hours in. YESSSSS. Every once in a while she'll cry, but she isn't fully awake. i think she may be having bad dreams. All she needs is for me to hold her for a second, then she's back to sleep. But after the craziness of those few months, this is nothing! So THANK YOU for all of your prayers, your encouragement, and your kind words. They meant more than you'll ever know. It's awesome to know that Mike and I have so much support surrounding us.

Speaking of sleep, it's time for this lady to hit the hay. Blessings to you all!


Amy Will said...

What a beautiful sweetheart she is. She's so much fun to watch.

Unknown said...

you didn't leave any words out cause she doesn't say JAIME! ugh...but she will say NINE, that's good enough for me, for now.

I love spending so much time with you, Becca and Harmony, she's bound to say my name eventually! Keep working on it and i expect to see a video soon!

B-------- P--------! =)

Matthew & Sabrina said...

i am happy to hear that the little peanut is doing well...we miss you guys so much and cannot wait to be up there in two weeks...crap didn't realize it was only two weeks...i gotta get packing...tell everyone i said hello and we are looking to be there between nine...yes nine in the morning on friday...and around all depends on what time we leave...we are hoping to leave as soon as i am done delivering my to you guys later

Anonymous said...

Climb? Well, she gets that honestly! Her mother and Aunt Becca used to do the same; use whatever they could find to climb on whatever was around!!?? Well I remember that! I too am confident she is A-ok; and more!! Anybody who can manover and manage to communicate as well as she, nothing wrong with that little 'monkey'!! And being little; well that's a wonderful 'problem' in life to have, eh?? Love from your Grammie!

Anonymous said...

There was that one time at our house when she said, "I need to get down." Put that on your list.