Monday, June 08, 2009

For some reason lately, I've been having this urge to look back at old pictures of Harmony, in desperate attempt to solidify as many memories of her at that age as possible. I never want to forget any moment of her first precious year.

And just the other day, I came across some pictures that my mom took of Harmony when we would visit, and I just HAD to show you some of them.

I'm telling ya, she was, and still is such a happy little girl, and as I looked through the pictures, her smile melted me all over again....


Beth said...

Oh my word, I LOVE that second one. So precious. I *need* to meet her! :)

Anonymous said...

The one wonderful thing about the blog is that it does keep these memories of Harmony. Time is slipping by so quickly and she is not a baby anymore; becoming a little girl! Thanks for the reminders - hopefully she will make it sleeping thru the night again soon!!?!? Love you. Mom