Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Change of Plans!

So Mike and I have had an interesting week trying to buy this house. We put in an offer on Friday, and since then, it's been back and forth, back and forth with the seller. She was being really shady about the contract agreements, and she was asking for more than what the house is worth. After talking with the real estate agent about it, she advised us to maybe look at another place to scare the seller a little, and maybe she would meet us halfway on the price.

Well, we took her advice, and looked in a neighborhood that we hadn't looked at yet...and we FELL IN LOVE with it. Mike and I were jumping up and down, we loved it so much! The other house that we looked at needed work in the kitchen and the bathrooms, and the appliances were a little dated, but we were willing to put in the work. The place we saw today was in AMAZING condition, and the only thing we would have to do is finish the basement. The people living there now already did most of the work, and all it needs is drywall. PLUS, all the appliances come with the house, and they are much newer! We went back to the mortgage people, and we found out that our monthly payment is LOWER, our taxes are LOWER, and the closing costs are LOWER!!!! We can't believe it, and we are SO excited!!!! I tried posting some pictures, but it wouldn't let me, so here is the website:

Mike and I are going to the real estate agent TODAY to put in an offer so we can close in March, and that way we can have the house empty for a whole month before we start the payments on the house!

Guys, can't wait to have you all down so you can see!!!! I'll let you know what happens...and hopefully these sellers will be nicer!


Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd check one more time today to see if you had any news....and there it is!! So exciting - haven't tried to get on the site yet, but will try to have a look at it. Hope all works out - in the Lord's timing! Talk to you you guys, Mom

Larry said...

Nice place. Theres good deer hunting out that way and an extended late muzzelloader season. Go Stillers!!!

Unknown said...

wow. That's pretty much what i can say right now. wow. in a good way wow. That's amazing rachel...and it looks like the house is already in some sort of color scheme! Yup, things definately work out in the right timing, and where He shuts a door He opens a window. Can't wait to talk to you and hear more about it! I love you so much babe.

Amy said...

So good to talk to you tonight. Congrads on the house! Cant wait to see it. Miss you

becca said...

rach, the house is awesome. i just love it. i can't wait till you move in. like i told john, i am 70% so thrilled for you and 30% jealous that you will have a place that you can call your own. but i will get over my jealousy and soon i will be 100% excited for you, i promise!!!

The Barretts said...

Wahoo! How exciting, you guys! The house looks really nice...wish we were closer so we could just drop by!

I'm so excited that you have a blog too! I just saw your comments on Becca's blog today, so follow the links!!

Miss you guys!!