Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy One Year, Makaela!

My little love. One year old.

My girlfriend, Ashley said it perfectly when her baby turned one: Makaela is everything I didn't know I needed. She is my doll baby, my sweet blue-eyed girl, and my cuddle bug. Our house is twice as blessed because of Makaela.

one year

Here are some updates about Reesie Girl:

  • She started walking at 10 and a half months. I swear it is because she felt she needed to keep up with Harmony.
  • She has 6 teeth- 4 on top, and 2 on bottom
  • She weighs 17 pounds, 3 oz, and is 28 and a half inches tall (5th percentile for weight, and 50th for height)
  • She isn't the greatest with table foods, but she is getting there. She eats her pureed food like a champ though.
  • She still doesn't sleep the greatest. She is up maybe 4 out of 7 nights, not always wanting to eat, but just needs to be held. I guess sleeping children aren't in the cards for me....
  • She is one. happy. baby. Always smiling, always laughing, and she and Harmony have so much fun together. I know the day is fast approaching where they will fight over toys, food, and mommy's lap (maybe that last one happens already), but for now, I love watching them play so well. Harmony is her little protector. Making sure she doesn't cry. Making sure she is safe. It's so sweet. For as crazy and active Harmony is, she is very sensitive and mindful of other's feelings.
  • She doesn't say much. Mama. Dada. Hi. No. That's about it.
  • She lives for bath time. Polar opposite of Harmony at that age, where she refused to sit, I would get more wet than her, and it would last for maybe a minute.
We didn't do any big birthday party this year (we didn't have one for Harmony so I didn't feel the need to throw one for Makaela). All we did was make cupcakes together and let her have her first taste of sugary goodness. Then we spent all evening together, watching a movie and cuddling. Perfection.


my beautiful girls. I am one blessed mommy.

This is so AWESOME!!!

My parents send balloons to their granddaughters every birthday, and I took her one year pictures with them.

Peek-a-boo, I see you


I didn't get many pictures because she was far too interested in my camera. This is what she did 90% of the time.

I set up my backdrop while Makaela was asleep, and Harmony was very excited about getting her picture taken too :-)

Meet fairy princess Harmony :-)

We took out the trampoline so she could "fly"

She looks far to big for my liking

Those dance lessons are paying off!

Oh I love her with everything in me.

I took a picture every month for her first year. In case you forgot, here are all the pictures:

The Shipman family is looking forward to another year of memories, blessings, and adventures. Bring it 2012. We are excited!!!


My name is Heather. said...

love love love

Joelle said...

gosh, your kids are cute.

Beth said...

A-dorable. I am officially ashamed of myself for not having taken pictures of my kids each month. Sigh. :)

Sweet girls. How did I get two boys??