Friday, February 10, 2012

Stream of Consciousness

I am pretty sure teething is from the devil.  No lie.  It had to be his idea to have a poor, defensless baby endure a year (or more) of having what seemingly is constant mouth ache.  And Makaela, I have come to realize in the last few nights, inherited her pain tolerance from her mother.  Not. Good. It has made for a very tired and grumpy mommy and daddy.  And the exhaustion is fueled by the fact that Harmony is not aware of the escapades of last night, and is fully expecting us to be as excited about making forts and playing princess as she is.  Can you blame her?  But that's what parenthood is all about- bucking up (downing coffee the moment you step in the kitchen) and remembering that it's no longer about you.  It's about tea parties, wee morning snuggles, and princess dresses.  It's about learning as you go, flying by the seat of your pants, and counting down the hours until bedtime. It's play dates, playmates, and play dough (you loved my play on words. Admit it.).  And even as exhausted as I am right now, and how trashed my house is (seriously, if you were to knock on my door right now I would contemplate even letting you in) I am so happy with my life. 

 I found myself looking through old pictures today while the girls were napping, (hence the new header- that was Makaela when she was one day old), and I am amazed at how much, YET how little I take pictures.  I ebb and flow with it.  I take tons of pictures for a certain season, (i.e. vacation, holidays, and birthdays), but so few of the quick yet precious moments (i.e. milestones, fun outings, and life around the house).  I am determined to change that as of today.  Remembering to pull out the "big gun" instead of relying on my iPhone (though I heart you instagram.  I really do).  So if you see me not doing those things, keep me accountable.  

Harmony is taking a what she calls "a fun bath" right now as I write (I took notes from this lady).  What is a "fun bath"?  Glad you asked.  It's a bath where all she needs to do is play.  No hair washing (and if you know Harmony, this is a severe mild form of torture which almost always ends in tears), bubbles, and all the splashing she wants since Makaela isn't in the tub.  It's bliss for Harmony. For me too.

I am so completely stoked for tonight.  We are going on a double date with our friends Amy and Shane, who lived in the next town over while we were youth pastors in East Aurora.  We became attached at the hip those few years, and we were BEYOND thrilled when they too moved back to Rochester.  So it's Sticky Lips and and freakin awesome company for us tonight.  Yesssssssssssss.

This stream of consciousness has to come to an end now that I have a baby who is awake, and a 4-year-old who is ready to move on to the next adventure of the day.  I leave you though with some pictures that I don't think I have ever posted.  They are unforgettable moments of Harmony's first interactions with Makaela.  These will always remind me of what life is all about.

Makaela Hospital-7837

Makaela Hospital-7827

Makaela Hospital-7826

Makaela Hospital-7835

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