Saturday, April 15, 2006

Too Busy!!!

I feel like I'm always apoligizing at the start of all my blogs for not writing as frequently as i should, but this time I have a really good excuse!!!

1. We're moving in a week, and all my free time is spent getting the new house ready and the old house packed.
2. I started a new job, and it's the first time i've worked 40 hours a week in years. Yes, it's sad but true. So needless to say I'm always tired!
3. we have 14 Easter services at the church, and on any given night in the past week I've either had rehersals or services, and I don't get home till 10 at night. Bedtime.
4. My computer is on the fritz, so i have to use Mike's and he is always working, so internet access has been limited.
5. It's my birthday tomorrow, so you can't be mad.

We move Saturday, and shortly after that my life will resume to normalness. So be patient, and still love me!


becca said...

its my birthday tomorrow too....

it is about time we heard something new from you! we thought you didn't love us anymore....

happy easter

happy birthday....i am sad that we aren't going to see eachother for birthday AGAIN!!!

i love you

Amy said...

Hope this week goes well. We need some pictures of the new place. Miss you like crazy

The Barretts said...

Happy Birthday a couple of days late! Hope the move goes well this weekend! So exciting!! We're moving the next weekend, so I know what you mean about being busy!!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you are still there and ticking! Have tried to get ahold of you for a few days but you never answer the phone! I know you are busy but just want to hear how the move went and how things are going. Just be patient - it will take a while to get everything settled in! How did the painting go -- the red come out looking ok? Carpet in? Ceiling done? I know Mike had a lot he wanted done those last few days. You get furniture moved ok? That sofa fit thru the door ok? Love to hear from you sometime! We are busy this week too with ball games - guys play 4 games (hoping today is cancelled -- too cold to play ball!!?). Talk to you soon. Love to you both, Mom