Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh, That Face!

Harmony is going to be 5 months old in a little over a week, and she is turing into quite the character. I was looking through some recent photos, and some of them just made me laugh so hard, so I thought that I would make you guys smile.

Harmony is unhealthily obsessed with her feet. She will grab them, stare at them, suck on them, and giggle at them all day if she could. She was sucking on them one day, so i thought I would take the sock off- but then her ADD (passed down from her father) kicked in, and she no longer wanted the foot, only the sock. Yuck.

As some of you know, Harmony has a bit of a mullet, and it embarrasses Mike so bad that he usually puts hats on her when we go places. I was getting my hair done earlier this week, and we decided to be rid of the mullet (which was growing into a bit of a rat tail). So here is a pic of her very first hair cut.

We decided to have a little fun and put some hair pieces on her so see what she would look like if she in fact ever decides to grow any. Here is her as a red head!

I'm pretty sure Harmony is in the midst of cutting her first tooth, and she now sucks and bites on her hands constantly (when she isn't occupied with her feet, that is). She loves the two finger look.

She is on her way to sitting on her own! Yay! I love this pic. I'm the one with my hands in the air ready to catch her at any given second. She sat like that for about 5 seconds, and then toppled over (into my arms, of course).


Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH RACHEL! She is going to look back on all these pictures and understand why she is the way she is. I can't BELIEVE you put a wig on can no longer blame Mike for his craziness with're just as bad! Glad you are having a great time laughing at her and watching her grow up!

Aimee said...

She is getting so big... I can't get over it!! And what a strong girl that she's basically sitting up by herself :) Hope you guys are enjoying every minute with her. LOVE YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of her chewing her socks.....hey, just so you know, you guys ALL were fascinated with your feet too - every baby is! And the one of her in the wig - oh my gosh!!! I laughed so hard! So looking forward to the weekend and having you guys around! Sleep well! Love you, Mom

becca said...

she is going to have a serious talk with you someday when she sees all the pictures and video's of what you did to her! the hair!!! that is SOOOO funny. so so so so funny. but boy do i love her. i can't wait to see you....

Amy said...

In the second to last one and last one she looks just like Mike. Cant wait to see the little munchkin

The Barretts said...

So cute! That is hilarious that she had a hair cut!