Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Time for a baby bump update! Notice the lack of a picture- that was done on purpose. I am huge, that's all I'll say. And I haven't gotten up enough courage to see what I look like in a picture. Maybe at a later date I will expose the belly pics....but not today.

The biggest piece of new I have is not GOOD news per say, but it's news none-the-less. My dotcors have moved my date BACK to November 21st instead of November 10th. They said that she was measuring small for the original date, so they now expect me to have a Thanksgiving baby. I'll admit that I wasn't happy at this news. I don't want to be pregnant LONGER. I want her here now, thanks! But she will come when she wants to come, and many of my friends are proving that fact since everyone i know is having their baby before me!!!!! But I refuse to compain.....

Ok, so here are a few tid bits about my third trimester.

1. I have to apoligize to many people for my lack of correspondence latley. This trimester has officially made pregnancy no fun. I went back to full time at work, and by the time I get home I am in so much pain that I usually take my dinner to my bedroom, eat, and go to "sleep". Sleep is a relative term these days since I get little to none of it. I'm so uncomfortable ALL the time. I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, and he was concerned about how much pain i was in, and suggested to cut back on my hours at work- that I was giving no time for my body to recoop from the strain of work. And for those of you who may not know what I do, I work with 12-24 month old's for about 9 hours a day- that means picking them up all the time to either change them, soothe them, or whatever the case may be. I'm also picking up after them all day, which means I'm constantly bending over. It's painful. But work is not paying for my maternity leave, so i have to work as long as I can so I have enough money to pay bills. So for all of you who have called to check up on me and I haven't called you back, I sincerely apoligize. Just bare with me these next few weeks....

2. I finally got the baby furniture! Her room is FAR from being done, and the nesting mommy in me is going bonkers because of it. So on my day off this week I went to babies r us, and ordered a crib, a changing table, and a armore (i think that is how you spell it) for her. It's a beautiful dark cherry wood that goes so well with the quilt my mom made her. I'm so excited to put it together and have the room all set for her arrival.

3. I've offically gained 30 pounds now. Can't complain about that at all. If I go full term then I'm guessing it will be more toward 35 when all is said and done. As much as you know that it's all a part of pregnancy, it's hard to see that number rise higher and higher when you step on the scale week after week.

4. Ah, the dreaded words......Stretch marks. They have appeared on my once spotless belly, and I am trying my hardest to make them go away. They are are on the very underside of my belly, so i didn't notice them until recently. They are small, but still there. Grrr... Cocoa Butter is my best friend now, and I'm hoping it will do the trick. Everyone keep their fingers crossed.

5. My waddle is offically OUT OF CONTROL. I actually have people come up to me in the grocrey store telling me that I am in labor because my walk is so ridiculous. And like I said, I am in pain a lot, so I'm sure the looks on my face don't help. There are women who try to put me the carts that you drive around because they don't think it's safe for me to be walking on my own. It's annoying and funny at the same time.

6. My poor poor husband. I really don't want him to have to move into the guest bedroom at night, but I keep him up all night with my tossing, turning, moaning, groaning, peeing, and cramping episodes that he is a walking zombie during the day. I've just been really selfish with having him in the room with me in case anything goes wrong. So now we've put an air mattress on the floor so he's still only a few feet away instead of a room away. He's still not sleeping to well because I still make so much noise. I'm gonna have to suck it up sooner or later and let him reside in the guest room. Grr.

7. I'm tired of going to the doctors. I am now going for weekly check-ups, but on top of that we have tours of the hospital, epidural consultations, and all that jazz, so i feel like we have baby appointments every day. And to make it all even more fun, the check ups have become more.... intimate... so I don't look forward to them at all. Before all they did was check my weight and blood pressure, make me pee in a cup, and check her heartbeat. I still have to do all that, but.... i'll save the details since i know people of the male gender read this. to sum it up, it's no fun.

that's about all the details I can think of right now. If God shines his mercy on me and lets me have this baby soon, this very well may be my last update. I just cannot wait for her to be here, and for her to meet all of u!

Oh, and the baby name thing....

here are my hints:
1. Three syllables
2. Not biblical
3. A word name (like grace)
4.Not a uni-sex name

So far I've had one freind guess it, but she doesn't know she is right. Leave your guesses, and we'll see if I reveal it...


Carrie said...

Thanks for the update. I remember this time when I was pregnant with Addison (ok I was miserable the whole time), but especially the last few weeks being so miserable because I was just SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!! I remember trying to focus and enjoy the last days Paul and I had together without a child. I am praying hard for you. In just a few short weeks your special gift from God will arrive and your lives will be forever changed. :)

Love you tons.. Oh yeah, and this little girl is now due to be here on my birthday!! I am hoping (for your sake) she will come a little early, but I wouldn't mind sharing my birthday with your little angel!

My guess for a name.. Just a shot in the dark.. Savanna

Ashley said...

aww Rach! I have no idea about the name, but I CAN'T WAIT to find out what it is! I'm so sorry you're feeling bad, and I have no words of wisdom. At least you're storing up experience so you can have words of advice for me when I get pregnant, hehehehe.... I LOVE YOU! can't wait to see pics of the furniture, too, the dark wood will look AMAZING in there!

Anonymous said...

I don't think any of your friends (including your mother!) care what YOU think you look like, but we all love you and would LOVE to see how that bellie is growing - hence that beautiful girl is growing!!?? I for one, vote that you get a picture on this blog BEFORE too long! Your comments are cute - and bring back memories of my wonderful pregnancies. Just continue to take care of yourself - and get sleep when you can. Hey, do you know that this is the way to prepare your body for lack of sleep for the next oh, 18 years or so??!! ha! just kidding! Sure look forward to seeing you next weekend - and helping set up 'house' in that baby room! Love you lots, Mom

Amy said...

I love your update, and agree with Mama Freer that we need a belly picture no matter what.

If you can't sleep I know a really comfy bed that misses you a lot... maybe that will solve the insomnia... I miss you so much, I am going through withdrawal you can't just go from visiting every week to not coming at all.

And if you thought I was going to comment and not brag that I know the name of the baby you're crazy!! I KNOW!! And I'M NOT TELLING!!

Love you, post again soon

becca said...

amy, how do you know the name? did rachel tell you...DID SHE?!?!?! cause if she did her and i are going to have WORDS!

i did my best at name guessing when i guessed Machenzie. but you told me that wasn't it...i will keep praying about it!

Rachel said...

i didn't TELL amy. She GUESSED it. and if YOU guess it, bec, i will tell u!

becca said...

wait...hold on a second. amy she KNOWS KNOWS?

amy rebekah faro-keller... you and i need to chat! help me out here! I AM DYING!

i am going to solve this mystery before this precious thing arrives. I WILL!

Anonymous said...

Amy was dead on...first guess and she new. What a smart girl, huh?

And her name isn't hyphened, Freer.

The Barretts said...

I have no clue on the name, but I will think more about it....

Oh, and we need to see a belly pic no matter how big you think you look! I'm only 24 weeks and have put on 21 pounds, so I know all about it! I hit 50 last time, so 30 something can't be that big :)

Lastly, hang in there. This too shall pass...

Anonymous said...

I have a name guess!
Harmony....You HAVE to tell me if im right.

I hope she comes soon! I keep checking for pictures and updates. We miss you guys.
And you know that everyday she doesn't come just brings you closer to the day she will come. I think thats a happier way to look at the last days. Connor came so soon I didn't get to that frustrated point. Maybe she will come a little early.. But, not to early. :)


becca said...

christy and i spoke on the phone today and we are combining our final efforts in choosing a name. Our final guesses

Harmony Joy (christy's final guess, and i am going to have to join her since i just saw that it was a word name)

last night i was convinced it was Cassidy Joy. But now, i am going to have to go with Harmony.

final answer

Bethany said...

I liked the guess of Savanna...could possibly be Savannah.

I don't think anyone's guessed Melody yet, right?

I suppose that's my guess then. :)