Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Her room!!!

As most of you know, Mike left me for two weeks to go over to England with his father and brother while I was left at home to be miserable. So i gave myself a project. I decided to surprise Mike by painting the baby room so he wouldn't have to worry about it. And just to clarify, I personally did not paint it, my small group from church did it.

I wanted to paint it in purple, Mike wanted it pink, so i compromised and painted it "lilac rose". then I got all creative and put diamonds on the wall in a deeper purple. It was A LOT of work, but I was so pleased with how it came out! Mike was SOOOO surprised when he came home and saw it. We both love going into the room to just sit in it and imagine what it's going to be like to have our daugher in there! We have the letters of her name all set to go up on the wall, but obiviously I didn't take a picture of it! He he.... I'm so mean.


Aimee said...

The nursery looks AMAZING!!! I'm glad Mike got home safely. I know you're happy to have him back with you ;) Can't wait to see you guys & meet baby girl Shipman! LOVE YOU!

becca said...

rachel! it is stunning! those diamonds add the perfect touch. I can't wait to meet that little angel....

Amy said...

Those diamonds are amazing!! You are so crafty with your shapes and stripes. once you're done being pregnant I am putting you to work!

Michelle Stockton said...

Diamonds ARE a girl's best friend! Perfect color. It came out SOOO super cute! Good for you for going so bold!

Michelle Stockton said...

Diamonds ARE a girl's best friend! The room is SOOOO super cute! Good for you for going so bold!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel, the room looks amazing! You did do a great job figuring out those diamonds! Glad to hear Mike is home safe and sound. How was his trip? Still can't believe you guys are going to have a baby to put in that room (that IS a basketball, isn't it?? - jk) Love to you both, I mean 3! Mom Freer

Anonymous said...

If this was Becca's baby then I would have assumed that Princess was the babies name because...well, if you don't get it, I can't really spell that one out for you.

Ashley said...

RACHEL! it looks AMAZING. so perfect. I am soooo impressed!

Unknown said...

Wow...photography, interior design, tell me again why you're working at a daycare doing physical labor? The room looks amazing, I shouldn't have expected anything less. Hope to see you in about a month, and ps...guess what tomorrow is! Don't forget! haha...love you!

Ashley said...

oh, and is that a COACH diaper bag I see as well?! gasp! :)

Beth said...

OK, that is the most amazing baby room I have ever seen. I am absolutely blown away by your diamonds! I actually said, OUT LOUD, "Oh my word!" when I saw the first picture.

Our baby's room is newly blue... with, um, some sand texture.

And I thought THAT was hard!! :) Great job! I agree with Amy, you can totally come over and paint/design ANY room in our house!

The Barretts said...

Love it! Isn't if fun getting ready for your daughter!? You'll likely spend a lot of time in that chair you have in there. Sooo exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Hey cuz, how in the world are you? i can't even believe it's been so long since i have talked to you. give me a call my number is 865-963-7830....we find out what our baby is in one more week-yahooo! i can't wait. it's so funny because i want my babies room purple if it's a girl.... i told my mom i loved diamonds and she told me to look on your website, how fun? you will have to tell me how you did it? i love y aand am praying for you and mike. how exciting!!

Anonymous said...

I don't usually comment; just blog-stalk. But I couldn't resist this time. Your nursery looks awesome!! My oldest daughter has a purple room, not because she choose it, but because in my opinion every little girl needs a purple room. Your chair looks really comfortable for those middle-of-the-night feedings. Enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy and time with your husband......you won't get as much of that once your princess arrives.

Unknown said...

Hey Rachel,

Just noticed on my calender that it's your four year anniversary!! Congrats! Have a fantastic day :)

Sarah, Jamin & Naomi