Time for another chapter of the Belly Watch!
I was 17 weeks last Saturday, and all of a sudden i have a big bump! I literally woke up on Saturday, looked down, and said, "what's that!?" Craziness. But I'm feeling good. I had a good couple days last week, and i seem to be getting over all my nausea. Thank the Good Lord! I went to the doctor on Friday and he said that I am in great health, and on July 2nd we will find out the sex of the baby! Yay! Mike and I have thought long and hard about what we would like (obiviously not getting our hopes up) and I thought I'd share some of our thoughts with you.
Reasons we want a girl:
Mike can walk her down the isle one day
It will make my mom and Becca very happy
I LOVE girl's clothes
How cool would it be to have a mini me around!
Reasons we want a boy:
I hear they are easier to raise
I will forever be my dad's favorite daughter if I provide him a grandson
How cool would it be to have a mini Mike around! Way cooler than a mini me, I'll admit it.
I don't have to do his hair
But obiviously we will be so stoked no matter what it is. We just hope it's healthy, happy, and doesn't put me through too much pain and suffering during birth!
If you try long enough you could probably get a mini you and a mini Mike ( a mini Mike would be pretty short... sorry John made me say it) and for all you know you have both in there right now. But I understand your reasoning and probably a mini John would be more fun then a mini Amy.
Thanks for showing another picture I can't believe how much you've grown. Love you
look at that bump! i can't even beleive it! i can't wait to see you this weekend and to talk to that bump! wouldnt it be wild if you had one of each in there!
amy...good joke about the mini mike! classic :)
i still hope it's a girl...
you look sooo cute rach!! I am glad that you are feeling better!
Hi honey......always good to see you, but especially when you are carrying my grandchild! You look great - but you always do! Glad to hear you are feeling better too. Do have a great weekend with Becca around - now, you don't need to stay up all night and get over tired tho, eh?? Continue to take care - oh, and by the way, I will be THRILLED with whatever boy/girl you bring into this world. And don't you start to fret about birth already - by the time the 9 1/2 months are over with, you will be GLAD for that labor to start! Believe me!! Anyone else concur? Love you, Mom
9 and a 1/2 months? Is Rachel on the same plan that Carrie was?
Looking good!! I love the updates! Keep em coming :)
Girl or boy...hmm...I'm going to guess it's a girl.
i love you sarah.... i am so glad jamin chose you.
I love the Belly Watch updates and I look forward to seeing more! You look great!
I, also, hope that it's a girl. :)
I miss you so much...I wish I was there with you.
i get to see you AND the bump tomorrow! YEAH! i can't wait...
adorable rach!!!! love you!
CONGRATULATIONS. You look beautiful and I am so excited for the two of you! Look forward to hearing from you soon. It's been way too long :)
I was actually on the 10 1/2 month plan. I don't recommend it. I do agree with Rachel's mom that after that long journey of being pregnant, you just can't wait to get that thing out! And plus, labor really isn't that bad - just get some drugs!
I feel like in the next picture you're going to be holding the baby in your arms instead of your stomach...LET'S GO!
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