Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ode to Moms

Happy Mommy's Day!!!

I want to take this time to acknowledge my mother, and how amazingly wonderful she is. I am who i am because of her, even though she may not think this, but it's true on so many levels. When I was sick as a little girl, she would put my comforter in the dryer so i would be nice and warm. When I'd be at my wits end in college, I would call my mom, she would put things in perspective. She is the reason my wedding happened! She's one of my best friends, and I'm proud to be like her! I love you mom! I know I'll be a great mom myself because of you!

I was talking to my mama on the phone yesterday, and she was asking me if i was showing. I realized that so many of you guys don't see me much, so i thought I would start a "Belly Watch" on my blog so you all can see how fat- i mean big- i'm getting.

I was 14 weeks yesterday, which puts me into my fourth month. Pants are starting to get tight, or not even fit at all, and shirts are getting snug. Not fun. Don't get me worng, I'm excited about finally showing, but I just don't have money to buy new clothes! I'm starting to get looks now from parents at work, or people from church who don't know I'm pregnant, but don't want to ask just in case I'm not and they make a fool out of themselves. I just smile and say, "i'm due in November". I hate to see em' squirm.

The biggest hurdle I'm facing right now is allergies. I know that pregnant people get stuffy anyway, but mine it's been 10 times worse than usual because of all the pollen outside, AND we're dogsitting a little Yorkie named Kobe, who I thought was hypoallergenic but if fact is not. He's adorable, but he's been making me miserable. I went to the drug store and begged a pharmasist to give me whatever a pregnant person could take! He gave me Sudafed and Robitussin, and so far neither is working....

Mike posing with our pride and joy, Kemper! Aren't my boys so cute!?

Mike and I spent our Mother's Day afternoon being domestic. We needed to fix our back patio, so we went to Lowe's, got supplies, and we (I mean Mike) worked on the patio while I watched the dogs and soaked in some sun. Then Mike painted the door and trim while I came inside. I have to say that I was so impressed with Mike because he wasn't exactly sure how to fix the patio, but it came out exactly the way we wanted it. I didn't know I married a handy man!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Larry and Andrea

I wish I had a good excuse as to why i haven't blogged in a while... but I don't. But in my defense, pregnancy (Yes, for those of you who my not know, I'm PREGNANT! AHH! 13 weeks today) has been kicking my butt, and I'm moving a little slow these days. So I'm using that as my excuse.

Moving on, after many requests, I'm posting some pics from Larry and Andrea's wedding (who are two of the sweetest people I've photographed). Here are a few I decided to share.

The Cute Couple

Now, I probably took about 10 shots of this picture, and this is the only one where Adam is KIND OF being serious. Those Moore Boys.... a handful I tell ya.

This may look a little....strange to those who don't know what is going on... but in actuality, the bridesmaids are trying to bustle Andrea's dress as she patiently waits. It took them a while, but they got it!

Had to put in a picture of John actually smiling. Out of all the shots I took of he and Larry, this is the only one where he looked like he didn't have his grumpy pants on. It's a wonder that I got him to smile at all since I was his unfavorite Freer at the moment.

This is one of my favorite pics of the day. What a handsome ( and high maitnence) bunch.

The beautiful bridesmaids.

I put this picture on because I think it's so funny how Larry looks like he is TOTALLY checking out a bridesmaid.

Dad had a hard time letting go of his little girl. He was such a sweetheart the whole day. LOVED him.

I love this pic, and I will fully admit that I didn't take it. Becca did. Good work, sis.