Friday, May 20, 2011

4 months!!!!

4 mo


I feel like time has sped up exponentially these past two months. She is no longer my little newborn, but a giggly, engaging, smiley person who is by far the most popular member of our home. We all dote on her, kiss her adorable cheeks, and will do anything to hear her laugh.

She is a rolling maniac, and is now unable to be swaddled, and that is the challenge we are facing right now. She has a love/hate relationship with it. She sleeps AMAZING in it, but will kick up a fuss when you are putting her in the swaddle. She is now able to escape from it too- and when I say escape, I mean she is completely out and on the other side of the crib. Houdini. So we are back to getting up a couple times a night- hopefully it won't last long, and she will figure out how to sleep swaddleless.

She had her appointment on Wednesday, and she is now 12 pounds 4 ounces, and 24 inches long. She is in the 40th for her height, and 25th for her weight.

She. Is. Awesome. I can't say that enough.

1 comment:

Amy said...

She is so absolutely beautiful and loveable.