Last night as I was attempting to fall asleep (and failing miserably at it), I was making a list in my head of all the things I need to get done this coming week. And as I was doing this, I became aware of all the things I'm really not fond of doing, and thought I would share. This is me venting, so don't judge people.
I'm Tired Of:
Doctor's appointments. For me and for Harmony (Mike all but refuses to go so I don't deal with him much). If I'm not going to one, I'm scheduling one. If I'm not scheduling one, I'm researching doctors to find out what one I want to go to. Blah.
Laundry. There is nothing in me that enjoys doing laundry. I put it off (sometimes for 2 weeks) until Mike tells me he has no socks or underwear left. And even then I sometimes just do a load of those so i can put it off longer. Sad. But true.
Bills. They stress me out.
Not selling our house in Pittsburgh. You don't even want to know how much money we've spent on an empty house. Makes me mad just thinking about it.
Changing diapers. Is there such a thing as potty training a 16 month old? :-)
Being tired. I know some of it's my thyroid, but i know i would feel much more rested if Harmony would just sleep through the night. Ugh.
Having so much of my belongings in storage. Can't wait to get a house.
And even tho there are probably many other things I'm tired of, there are also things I'll NEVER tire of. Such as:
Naps. I'm a super napper, and probably take more than I'll ever admit. There is nothing better than a long Sunday nap.
Facebook. I'm addicted.
Harmony saying my name. Tho she says it A LOT now (and usually when she really wants something), I never tire of her little voice calling me to where ever she is, knowing I'll get her what she needs (but not always what she WANTS- hence the tantrums- oh add that to things I'm tired of. When will this phase be over?)
Kemper. My lovie dog who is the cuddliest dog EVER, and I love him so much. I admit my love changed for him when Harmony came along, but he still is my loyal pup whom I will never tire of.
Mike's jokes. Even tho i usually shake my head and roll my eyes at most of the nonsense that comes out of his mouth, i truly believe that he is the funniest man alive... and he's all mine.
Taking pictures. Even tho its my job, I always enjoy capturing both big and little moments in life, whether it's my life or someone else. And tho i dread wedding season (life becomes a little unmanageable at times), I get excited about all the memories I'm going to be a part of.
And speaking of work, I NEVER tire of teaching with Becca. I love seeing her every day, but even more, the kids we teach are AWESOME. They are so smart, and SO funny.
And lastly, I never tire of watching Mike and Harmony play. There are times when I am moved to tears as I watch them giggle and laugh together. Those are the moments that outshine every tantrum, every uneaten meal, and every sleepless night. I have the greatest little (quite literally) family ever.